新會員首次購物即享全單 85 折優惠!

購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )




2人份 功效:疏風解表、健胃袪寒,對初起之風寒感冒,症見鼻水、頭痛、惡寒、怕寒,咽癢、咳嗽初起有用。老幼得宜,可連續飲用2-3天。 材料:生姜3片、葱白3段、白胡椒1錢、豬肉片6両。 做法: 1)食材洗乾淨 2)豬肉汆水備用 3)清水約4碗水滾後,放入所有材料 4)大火煮滾後, 轉小火煲20-30分鐘即可 *資料自:Topick https://topick.hket.com/article/3438778?r=cpstna *圖擇自網絡 - 重量可能有 +/- 10%的差異 - 以上圖片只供參考,所有貨品以實物為準 - 收貨後請放入雪櫃內保存以確保新鮮,並盡快食用 Portion for 2 people Raw ingredients for making soup in a pack - Weight may vary +/- 10% - The above pictures are for reference only, all goods are subject to the actual product - After receiving the goods, please store it in the refrigerator to ensure freshness and consume it as soon as possible

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